How to be a Manager and Still Have a Life

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Is work-life balance an essential component of good management and higher productivity? Or is it something you sacrifice for corporate success? Time management is always an essential part of both your personal and professional life.  When you fail to achieve managing your time, most likely you will have difficulties and challenges in managing other aspects […]

Employee Engagement for Higher Productivity

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A business performance is greatly affected by the productivity of its employees. Skills and experience are no longer enough but also the efficiency on how workers accomplish their tasks plays a vital role.  With the various challenges employees face daily within their workand with their personal lives, employee engagement has become a challenge not just […]

Self-Esteem for Better Employee Contribution

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Sharing a post of Dr. Jon Warner about self-esteem: “A lack of self-esteem or worth can affect all areas of an individual’s life and prevail for many years. It can therefore be very difficult to operate in the world with a low opinion of one’s own self-worth, and life in general becomes much more of […]

Get Your Business Moving in 2014

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Are you struggling to take your business to the next level?  Got big plans for 2014 but not sure how to make things happen? Do you get overwhelmed and distracted with all the things there are to do day to day and lose focus on the bigger picture? Changes all around us are happening with […]

Understanding Small Business Stress

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If you are a business owner you may be wondering why you need to pay attention to the issue of Stress. It is very important for you, your family and your business that you take steps to understand and manage your stress. If you are stressed your business will suffer as there are many research […]

Running a Business is a Race

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Running a business can be very demanding. Sometimes it seems that the harder we work the less progress we make. This can be true for a number of reasons. For a start, how are you measuring progress and how are you planning for success? Let me ask you this… Why did you get into business […]

Improving Business Productivity Starts with You!

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A lot has been written over the last couple of years about how to improve the productivity of employees with the goal of improving the business bottom line. The truth is that this often direction away from where the attention should be…on the business owner first, then the management team, then the supervisors and then […]